Creating a billboard campaign with visions from the citizens of Graz, for their city.
A Green city
A Mobile city
A sustainable city
A social city
Doing the project management + creative production for ‘Sketch’; an art installation concept from Company New Heroes, within the context of the La Strada Festival, during Summer 2020.
Sketch collected from over 150 citizens from Graz answers to the following question: “what do you miss in your city?” Together with local artists, and based on all the interviews, four visions were summarized for the cities future-perspectives. These final drawings were exposed and printed on 20 billboards throughout the city.
'We need art, not to console us and tell us everything will be fine, because it won’t be, we need art to help us visualize possibilities without ignoring reality.'
- Lucas de Man (founder of Company New Heroes & Sketch)
here’s a little iPhone making off video of the 10 days Sketch project.
The stone pavement at Tummelplatz, going slightly uphill and filled with squared sections, was the key inspiration to conceptualize the SKETCH installation. We sought to find a combination for including the whole place, achieving visual impact and attract attention from passengers, as well as staying close to the initial sketching-process & installation which is based in the Netherlands. The given sections remind of the size of a canvas, a sketcher or painter would work with. The overall installation allows the participators to build the exhibition together and follow the process real live. The canvas set up was very versatile and transformative, which was a crucial factor for moving the installation to several locations throughout the La Strada Festival, as well as afterward.
phase 01: drawn-out wishes from the citizens.
phase 02: drawing 4 visions on a big canvas each.
phase 03: exhibition of the final results
phase 04: expanding the visions on big billboards throughout the city.